Ëllën Gëorgia - Amazing Scents

Ëllën Gëorgia

It’s not everyday you get to change someone’s life. The best thing I ever did was get involved in essential oils and share my love and passion for oils with others. My grandma is now 86 year old and has had 2 back operations. She was always in a lot of pain and was always struggling to stand up straight. Since giving her a muscle and joint ease pack, mixed with a variety of essential oils for Christmas, she is now happier than ever. The proof is in the pudding and I’m so so grateful that I can at least help manage her pain with this miraculous blend. What once was a very sceptical woman, is now a woman who absolutely loves essential oils and cannot go a day without using them. Thank you to Amazing Scents Aromatherapy for the quality of oils you continue to supply us all!