Stephen Jones - Amazing Scents

Stephen Jones

I was asked by a friend to try an oil on a muscle injury I had sustained. She made a mix from your selection, which i tried. I have used it now for two days and it provides amazing relief to this injury. Let me complete a full nights work with no pain at all, after application by the Roll on dispenser 3 times over my night shift. It was easy to use, no mess and fast to apply and I have had little pain with it being used. I was not able to use it for about 3 hours the next day, due to leaving the dispenser at work, but actually returned to work as it was aching again and applied some more. Relief again in about 1/2 an hour and was able to continue walking on my usual daily walk. Fantastic product, great advice from my clearly well trained friend who gave me a list of the ingredients first to check allergies and completed the whole thing with knowledge and professional courtesy,
overall a very positive experience with this product…… will definitely be using this product again.
Steve 57 yo from Victoria.