Workshops - Old Page - Amazing Scents

Workshops – Old Page

Amazing Scents Aromatherapy Workshops are a fun way to learn about a fairly serious subject. The interest in natural and alternative therapies is massive, but most people are prevented from fulfilling their interest by lack of knowledge or doubt.


We are currently offering live virtual workshops, or learning at your own pace through our unique online platform.


Our online learning platform gives you access to a range of eBooks, videos and courses for you to  advance at your own pace.  Your can access the platform here.


For our live workshops in just one hour you can gain the knowledge you need to start applying aromatherapy to every aspect of your life. Our aim is to make Aromatherapy simplistic and something that everyone can experience. You can access bookings here


Introduction to Aromatherapy

Learn the four basic ways to use Aromatherapy and how it works to enhance your life. A simple workshop designed for those just beginning to learn the benefits of aromatherapy.

Kids Care

Find out the amazing results you can get by using Aromatherapy with your children. This workshop is based on a book specifically written for the needs of children and will teach you how to integrate oils into your children’s everyday lives.

Sensational Skin and Hair

Discover how to make your own skin and haircare using Aromatherapy. Tailoring skincare to your own needs is nothing short of amazing. Lower your toxin transfer too!

Tired Aching Bodies

Yes, there are oils that offer properties such as analgesic, anti-inflammatory and even anaesthetic. Working with pain is a very individual thing – what works for one may not necessarily work for another. Let us equip you with the ability to tailor make for your needs.

De Stress and Relax

Our emotions and our stress levels can greatly shape our lives. Having the ability to have blends on tap to keep you in a calm place gives you control over your responses. Learn how to reduce stress and anxiety for every member of your family.

Practical Aromatherapy

Reducing the toxin transfer is fast becoming a top priority in our homes. Most are unaware of why they are unwell until they discover what the abundance of chemical are causing. Let us show you how you can have a healthy and clean home.

Women Only

Find out how to use our Amazing Aromatherapy range to help support the more discreet issues that women have. Learn how to make your own products that can enhance being a woman.

Workplace Wellness

Physical, emotional and business health can all be tested when teams of people are continually working at levels that tax their energies. You can take control of your environment and change the atmosphere with the use of essential oils. Learn how to reduce stress, keep germs at bay and create a harmonious workplace.

Insight Cards

In this workshop we explore the metaphysical side of aromatherapy, by using the cards you open your heart to what oils you really need. Learn how to use this amazing concept to balance and enhance your life.


Dispel the myths that feature loudly online and on social media. Learn how to safely benefit those fur babies that mean so much to you, assist with a range of issues that pop up from time to time and keep the vet bills at a minimum.


There are so many natural ways you can keep your garden maintained without using chemicals. Come learn how to companion plant, deter snails, make weed and bug sprays without harming you or the environment.

Silent Nights

A good night’s sleep is important to our overall health and wellbeing. Learn lots of tips on how to set the stage for quality sleep, more about the circadian rhythm and oil blends that can benefit you greatly.

Mums and Bubs

This workshop is tailored to pregnancy and newborns and how aromatherapy can be used safely and efficiently during this special time. You will be amazed at the versatility and ease with which you can take control during this transitional time.

Special Kids

All kids are special, but some require a little extra attention and support. This workshop was compiled by a mum of 3 children with special needs. Learn how to deal with sensory issues, emotional meltdowns, tailor blends specific to your child and benefit everyone in your home.

First Aid

We know essential oils are a great part of our overall health and wellbeing plan, but they can also be used in emergency and first aid situations too. Learn what to do for wound health, stem bleeding, sprains, swelling, cuts, burns and bruises.

Seasonal workshops

Whether its Summer or Winter, having the knowledge of how to deal with the common issues that accompany the seasons can give you a sense of empowerment and the ability to deal with what life deals us.


Customers attending a workshop receive bulk buy ‘Savers’ that allows them up to a 75% discount on selected products. This means everyone can build their collections faster for less.

Most of our customers will attend several of the workshop themes to gather their collection and to keep learning how to use their products most effectively. It really is amazing to watch people who would never have even thought of using these therapies suddenly grasp their effectiveness and simplicity and start to integrate them into their everyday life. These are the rewards we seek and to see it happen over and over again simply reinforces why we do what we do!

We also hold an “Advanced Class” for those that want to learn even more than we can teach online. These are held every 2 months in a hall with 100 to 150 like minded people for more information follow the link above.