What are the pimples on my face really telling me?
Another vital learning curve about skin from Jennifer Jefferies book ‘If you want great skin throw away your cosmetics’.
What is my face trying to tell me?
I vividly remember when I gave up smoking around 15 years ago, Jennifer said to me that I would be excreting toxins from my lungs for approximately 1 month for each year I smoked. Sure enough it was 3 years before the pimples on the side of my nose and cheeks stopped. In that time, I memorised the chart above and every time I got a pimple or blemish I realised the truth of the chart.
If I get one on my nose or top lip it alerts me to the fact that my stomach is unhappy, usually it is a PH balance and something as simple as starting the day with hot water and a slice of lemon, a spoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar or if things have progressed, I start taking Slippery Elm powder morning and night till things settle things down.
I rarely get a pimple on my chin anymore but I occasionally get one on my chest or back which is all about elimination of toxins or sluggish lymphatics.
Kidneys are under the eyes and can be indicated by dark circles – step up your fluid intake and cut back the toxin input.
Gall Bladder is under the eyebrows and can be diet related.
Forehead and upper cheeks is bowel and indicates a need for Psyllium Husks – see previous blog on Essential Oils and Skin Conditions.
It really isn’t so much about what you put on your face as what is happening within, but whatever you do please don’t apply harsh cleaners and chemicals – they disrupt the acid mantle, the protective layer. Let us teach you how to make your own skincare to gently feed and nourish your skin in our Sensational Skin and Hair workshop.